Saturday, May 23, 2020

Pasaporte americano - Todo lo que hay que saber

El pasaporte sirve para demostrar que una persona es ciudadana  de los Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n se utiliza para viajar al extranjero con la proteccià ³n de Embajadas y Consulados y como documento que permite regresar al paà ­s. Asimismo se puede utilizar como forma de identificacià ³n. Por ejemplo, para sacar la licencia de manejar o para llenar el formulario I-9 para probar que se puede trabajar legalmente en los Estados Unidos o para registrarse para votar. En este artà ­culo se explica cà ³mo sacar el pasaporte americano, quà © hacer en caso de extravà ­o o robo, quà © otros documentos pueden utilizar los ciudadanos americanos para ingresar a los Estados Unidos y, finalmente, cà ³mo funciona la doble nacionalidad y cuà ¡les son sus inconvenientes. Cà ³mo obtener el pasaporte americano Obviamente, sà ³lo pueden obtenerlo los ciudadanos americanos. A la hora de sacar el pasaporte  existe una diferencia en el proceso de solicitud segà ºn se trate de obtener el pasaporte americano por primera vez y cuando se trata de una renovacià ³n. Asimismo, deben respetarse unas reglas especiales cuando se trate de solicitar el pasaporte para un nià ±o. Estas normas està ¡n encaminadas a evitar el secuestro de menores y es especial que uno de los progenitores saque del paà ­s a los hijos sin el conocimiento del otro, particularmente en los casos de separaciones o divorcios conflictivos. Obtener el pasaporte puede demorarse bastantes semanas, incluso meses. Es por ello que puede solicitarse su tramitacià ³n con carà ¡cter de urgencia tanto dentro de Estados Unidos como desde el extranjero. Eso sà ­, hay que pagar una cantidad de dinero a mayores por este servicio.   Robo o extravà ­o del pasaporte americano El extravà ­o del pasaporte debe notificase inmediatamente a las autoridades, siguià ©ndose distinto procedimiento si el hecho ocurre dentro de Estados Unidos o fuera. No notificarlo en tiempo puede dar lugar a importantes dolores de cabeza y a un robo de identidad. Tener en cuenta que si ocurre fuera de Estados Unidos  el proceso para obtener uno nuevo puede demorarse, ya que las oficinas consulares no cuenta con pasaportes en blanco y hay que esperar a que lleguen desde Estados Unidos. Pasaporte estadounidense y licencia Real I.D. A partir de octubre de 2020 serà ¡ necesaria una licencia de manejar o de identificar Real I.D. para tomar los vuelos domà ©sticos dentro de EE.UU. Si no se tiene ese tipo de licencia, serà ¡ posible utilizar el pasaporte estadounidense como una de las identificaciones aceptables. Otros documentos que se puede utilizar para ingresar a los Estados Unidos El pasaporte no es el à ºnico documento que permite a un estadounidense viajar al extranjero. La tarjeta de pasaporte  puede utilizarse en casos muy especà ­ficos y las tribus indà ­genas pueden tener reconocidos sus propios documentos de viaje para casos concretos. Este es un listado de todos los casos en los que se puede utilizar otras opciones distintas al pasaporte. Acelerar paso en el control migratorio Con los siguientes documentos es posible cruzar mà ¡s rà ¡pido por el control de Inmigracià ³n: Nexus: entre Canadà ¡ y Estados UnidosSentri: cruce terrestre o marà ­timo entre Mà ©xico y Estados UnidosGlobal Entry y ACP para aeropuertos Cada una de estas opciones tiene sus propias reglas y sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Doble nacionalidad en los Estados Unidos Los Estados Unidos admiten las situaciones de doble nacionalidad, pero es siempre obligatorio utilizar el pasaporte americano para ingresar y salir del paà ­s y no se puede utilizar el otro pasaporte para este trà ¡mite. La doble nacionalidad indudablemente brinda importantes ventajas, pero tambià ©n tiene inconvenientes que conviene saber. Ademà ¡s destacar que es muy difà ­cil, a dà ­a de hoy y con las leyes actuales, perder la nacionalidad americana, a menos que se realice una renuncia expresa. Este es un listado de 10 personas famosas que renunciaron a la nacionalidad americana por razones diversas. Hoy en dà ­a la mayorà ­a de las renuncias se hacen por cuestià ³n econà ³mica, para evitar tener que pagar impuestos en los Estados Unidos.   A tener en cuenta Los pasaportes alterados, mutilados o con hojas arrancadas no son và ¡lidos. Tampoco se pueden hacer enmiendas, por ejemplo, cuando se cambia el nombre. En estos casos lo que hay que hacer se solicitar un nuevo pasaporte.   Todos los emitidos a partir del 1 de enero de 2007 contienen un chip de radiofrecuencia (RFID) en la parte posterior. Contiene informacià ³n de seguridad. Entre otros, datos sobre la fotografà ­a que permiten utilizar con mayor eficiencia las tecnologà ­as de reconocimiento facial de los puestos de control migratorio. Si por cualquier accidente el chip deja de funcionar, el pasaporte sigue siendo và ¡lido hasta su fecha de expiracià ³n. Por à ºltimo, la manipulacià ³n de un pasaporte americano (tampering) puede ser castigada con una pena de prisià ³n de hasta 25 aà ±os. Curiosidad Aproximadamente sà ³lo el 46 por ciento de los ciudadanos estadounidenses tienen pasaporte. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Disabled Child and Adolescent Counseling - 776 Words

There are some areas of study that are ignored when focusing on family dynamics of children with disabilities. For example, while a great deal of attention is paid to how families of children with disabilities can become dysfunctional only a small amount of attention is focused on how these families successfully navigate the challenges posed by raising a disabled child. In fact, only articles by Algood, Harris, and Hong (2013), and Antonopoulou, Hadjikakou, Stampoltzis, and Nicolaou (2012) focus at all on how parents of disabled children are successful at juggling the needs of TD children and the needs of their disabled child/children. These challenges can be overcome if family members have adequate coping skills and can adjust to the demands a disabled child places on the family. Algood, Harris, and Hong (2013) suggest that variables such as, adaptability and resiliency play a powerful role in determining whether or not the families of disabled children are successful in having a functional family or not. A second variable that seems to influence the success of the families of disabled children is social support. Algood, Harris, and Hong (2013) argue that families of disabled children who have social support from family, friends, and other parents of children with the same disability, medical professionals, teachers, and social welfare representatives are more likely to successfully navigate the challenges posed by raising a disabled child. COUNSELING DEPRESSED ADOLESCENTShow MoreRelatedGroup Counseling For Children And Adolescents1630 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Group Counseling Individuals with learning disabilities have a particularly high incidence of mental health problems and are often assigned what is known as dual diagnosis. The lack of research in counseling this client group and the need for counselors to show that they are not discriminatory in their practices and are compliant with anti-discriminatory legislation adds to the case for placing inclusion/exclusion in counseling in the public arena (Pattison, 2006, p. 547). Introduction AreRead MoreEffects Of Depression On Adolescents And Adolescents1687 Words   |  7 PagesAdolescent Depression Introduction Depression is an illness that affects adults as well as adolescents. Actually, depression affects a great percentage of adolescents, more than one may think. One in five (20%) adolescents are experiencing some form of depression within their lifespan (Schwarz, 2009). There are many different forms of depression. 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In order to avoid inappropriate placements, a full and individual evaluation from a multi-disciplinary team would be given in the child’s native language. To avoid cultural bi as, there would be no single procedure serving as the only criterion for placement. Each child was to receiveRead More Adolescent Girls at Risk Essay1945 Words   |  8 PagesAdolescent Girls at Risk What risks are really in existence for adolescent girls growing up on the Arizona-Mexico border? Well, more then anyone in their right mind might be able to imagine. Adolescent girls growing up on the border or in a multicultural area are generally from lower income homes, which in itself introduces an entire set of risk factors. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dulce Et Decorum Est And The Soldier Free Essays

Dulce et decorum est is written regarding the First World War in the hindsight of the battle of the Somme. This takes a somewhat cynical view on warfare. The soldier by Rupert Brooke on the other hand takes a very strong patriotic feel and this shines through more then anything else. We will write a custom essay sample on Dulce Et Decorum Est And The Soldier or any similar topic only for you Order Now The soldier paints a picture of English serenity and whereas â€Å"dulce et.† portrays Owens anger at the indifference of those at home who continued to propagate lies. You can see the influence of Siegfried Sassoon in this piece. The language is more direct and shocking â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning† helps convey the grievance in the air. In the soldier the language is less deplorable and has a feel more of a love poem â€Å"her sights and sounds†¦ under an English Heaven† this coupled with the fact that the poem is written as a sonnet reiterates the feel of Love. Both poems are based on death in Wars. However Brooke paints a more glamorised and less direct picture of death â€Å"if I should die, think only this of me: That there’s some corner of a foreign field†¦blest by suns of home.† This evokes the idealistic image of a perfect England in a ‘Golden’ age, such as many believe existed immediately prior to the First World War. This does however expose the arrogance that Brooke perhaps had. It places too much importance on his own sacrifices and not on the general sacrifices being made by so many, and on the loss of a way of life, which the war would bring out like many other First World War poets such as ‘Edward Thomas’ and ‘Charles Hamilton Sorely’. Owen on the other hand almost haunts the reader using fiery vocabulary to help depict the shocking death of a soldier â€Å"guttering, Choking, Drowning.† Owen clearly wanted to address the people at home and suggests to them that if, in their worst nightmares, they could re-live this experience, they would not keep repeating that it is good and sweet to die for your country. He is saying that no one who has witnessed these horrors could ever encourage anyone to take part in such a war. He had already pointed out the exhaustion of the soldiers â€Å"drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots† helping the reader to visualise the lack of awareness of the soldiers. This certainly will give the reader a much more negative take on the war contaray to the over-hyped propaganda war that those at home believe. Brooke conveys the image that was painted by the media in Britain at the time of the war and even in death, he believes he cannot remove that sense of pride from him and his passing will not be in vain if, at home in England people are, once again happy and at peace. He feels that by his death he will have given back to England everything, and more, that it gave to him. The happiness and security earned by his sacrifice will buy his eternal peace † this heart, all evil shed away, A pulse in the eternal mind† Owen continues his cynicalism of the war in the last verse using necessarily harsh and wicked language â€Å"come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs†. They fling the man into a wagon, because they know there is no point in being gentle- he will soon be dead anyway. The description of his face and eyes â€Å"And watch the white eyes writhing in his face† gives him a ghost-like quality. This verse is intended to demonstrate the realism of a violent, u nnecessary death; hence it builds to a crescendo of anger, before a final earnest plea to stop the lies. These two poems could be no more different. ‘The soldier’ is a poem supporting the war in a way not too dissimilar to the way the media in that time promoted it whilst ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ is a pessimistic take on a war that was conveyed by the British media as far from the truth as possible. Owen wanted the British people to know the truth about the war and expressed these feelings best in his poetry. Brooke in contrast went along with the glamorized image that had been portrayed by the media, which wasn’t a fair reflection on the war. How to cite Dulce Et Decorum Est And The Soldier, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Brachytherapy in Treating Cervical Cancer-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Brachytherapy in Treating Cervical Cancer. Answer: Introduction Brachytherapy is a form of cancer treatment where radioactive compounds sealed in a wire, pellet or capsule is introduced into the body with the help of a catheter in order to damage the DNA of the cancer cells. It has a wide spread of application in the treatment of prostate cancer and cervical cancer. The benefits of brachytherapy are that it allows an augmented dose of radiation in a limited area unlike the other types of the radiation treatments. It actually helps to lessen the damage to the surrounding tissues due to radiation. The last two papers are about improving the image guided brachytherapy techniques in the treatment of cervical cancers. Two of my chosen papers are related to the same, as IGBT helps in a more accurate treatment and lesions that are too large for applying the other treatment techniques. Significant improvements have occurred in the last three decades due to the use of the 3-D image guided procedures. Incorporation of the transrectal US in the image guided brachytherapy have been found to be effective in centers that have do not access to MRI. The commonly used method in the treatment of the cervical cancer is the Manchester Point A system. But the 2-D X ray image shows no contract of the soft tissues. Image guided brachytherapy helps to target the desired tissue. There had been increasing evidence of the benefits of the image guided brachytherapy in cervical cancer, which is the main rationale behind the chosen papers. Summary The objective of this paper is to give an overview of the gynecologic brachytherapy, with a focus on the recent advancements and their implications on the cervical cancer in women. The paper describes about the evaluation and the staging of the patient, According to this paper the initial stages of evaluation includes the cervical biopsy of the hystopathological diagnosis. According to the FIGO recommendations, patients with who would be receiving the radiation treatment should have a planning of the CT stimulation before the initiation of the EBRT. The paper also brings about a comparison between the high dose rate brachytherapy and low dose rate brachytherapy. Previously LDR was used exclusively for treating the cancer by using a cesium -137 isotope. Since 2000s, the utilization of the HDR has increased considerably. The HDR employs a remote after loading technology allowing a small iridium source connected to the end of a cable that is robotically driven via the multiple channels ceasing at the dwell positions for different span of time. The article also refers to a third type of treatment that is commonly not used in the US known as the pulse dose rate (PDR) brachtherapy. The paper also gives an account of the choices, by which cervical brachytherapy can be performed, namely the intracavitary, interstitial, or a combinatory approach. A cohort study was done in order to measure the clinical outcomes of the image guided brachytherapy. The study compared the 2D versus the 3D IGBT . In the patients treated with both the EBRT plu s chemotherapy followed by a brachytherapy could show a local relapse free survival 74 % of the selected patients. Similar improvement was found in another study containing patients from Vienna. Impression It can be understood from the paper that brachytherapy can improve the local control, reduce the toxicity and improve the overall survival rate of cervical cancer in women. The study of the paper also enables one to understand that the disadvantage of brachytherapy is that, it is invasive. The randomized control study involving 2D planning and 3D planning in selected patients showed better results in patients being treated with image guided brachtherapy. The paper also gave an account of the appropriate treatment target volume, the appropriate dose and the fractionation scheme. Application to practice Although the progression from the 2D- 3D based imaging and the treatment planning for the cervical cancer has increased the overall survival of the women. Further data from the 3-D based treatment is required associated with the decrease in the toxicity of the technique. Summary The previous paper focused on the effectiveness of overall brachytherapy in cervical cancer, but this article will aim to focus on the advantages of using imaging brachytherapy over conventional methods of brachytherapy. The paper involves a retrospective analysis of the outcomes in patient suffering from stage IB-IVA cervical cancer treated with primary radiation therapy. The outcome measures were the relapse free survival of the patient, distant metastasis, pelvic control and other adverse events related to the treatment. 126 patients have been analyzed out of which 43 patients have been treated with CBT between the years 2000-2007, and 83 patients have been treated with IGBT between the years 2007- 2012. The conventional bracgytherapy involved the application of the low dose brachytherapy and high dose rate brachytherapy was used after 2005. The standard brachytherapy applicators used were intracavatary ovoids and tandem. From 2011, interstitial needles can be introduced in to the ovoids for optimizing the dose distribution around the neoplasia. All the records of the adverse events were recorded if prompted by the signs and the symptoms. The results concluded that cervical cancer survival rates have increased with the introduction of IGBT. Impression The application of the MRI based adaptive IGBT technique was found to be useful for the patients with stage IB-IVA cervical cancer. The overall survival rate was found to improve from 51% to 83% with the shift from conventional brachytherapy to imaging brachytherapy. The study confirmed that there had been a significant decrease in the distant metastasis in the group treated with IGBT. The pelvic control rates were also found to be improved in the IGBT group. Data obtained from the patients record found that the IGBT patients were more likely to complete the chemotherapy faster than the patients receiving the conventional brachytherapy. Application to practice The use of IGBT in the primary chemo radiation of the cervical cancer is superior to the CBT and should be considered as the new standard of care. It can be known from the paper that there is a requirement of improvement of the nodal and the PAN tumor control, using the PET-CT and the lessening of the adverse events in both the standard and the adaptive IMRT. A 3D MRI based image guided brachytherapy have been found to reduce the toxicity as discussed in the previous paper. The objectives of the paper were realistic. One of the limitations of the paper is that the sample population of the cohort was not large. Although there are several studies that have actually provided the evidences of imaging brachytherapy. Summary Brachytherapy is an essential component for the treatment of the cervical cancers that have progressed locally. It allows the dose of the tumor to be amplified sparing the nearby tissues. Image guided brachytherapy have found to lessen the local recurrence. The article focuses on how the 3D conformal brachytherapy can be used in a hospital setting and how the brachytherapy services can be improved. The radiological studies operative parameters and patient workflow and intensive therapy planning can pose challenge to the clinical resources. The paper also discuses about the translational research opportunities in the field of brachytherapy. One of the concerns is that some proportion of the tumor will display biological resistance to the radiations and even to brachytherapy. Impression The objective of the paper was to find new advancement in the field of imaging-brachytherapy. Hence the paper had been appropriate in stating the recent advancements in the radiotherapy techniques like the intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and the stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). This research paper also enables one to understand the demerits of the therapy, such as IMRT had been unsuccessful in achieving the target volume doses unlike that of the image guided brachytherapy. Application to practice The paper informs that IGBT is more time consuming and requires individual planning and contouring. Additional resources such as MRI/CT scans and the compatible applicators are required. The cost of setting up an IGBT is about 10-15 % more than that of the conventional procedures of brachytherapy. In a clinical setting with IGBT facilities there should be provisions for an intrauterine brachytherapy applicator as most of the patients will be having an intact uterus, which will require the placement of an intrauterine tube. Conclusion It can be understood from all the three papers that image guided brachytherapy makes 3D models by using the cross sectional image. It should be mentioned that the points of similarities between the three papers were much more than the differences as all the three papers focused on the advancements in the field of brachytherapy in treating cervical cancers and the advantage of using image dependant brachytherapy over the conventional treatment of the brachytherapy. The difference between the three papers is that the last two papers focused more on the improvements in the image guided brachytherapy. The last papers exclusively mentioned the advancements rather than just comparing with the conventional standards. Various retrospective studies and the cohort studies described in the three papers have showed better survival rates in patients with cervical cancer. Among the three papers my choice of paper was the first one as it had elaborately stated the difference between the new techniques and the old ones such as the difference between the HDR brachytherapy and the LDR brachytherapy, the selection of the applicator. It further gives information about the intracavity brachytherapy, interstitial brachytherapy. An appropriate treatment planning was mentioned. This assignment has not only aided us to know about the different image guided brachytherapy techniques but have also informed us with the procedures undertaken in brachytherapy References Banerjee, R., Kamrava, M. (2014). Brachytherapy in the treatment of cervical cancer: a review. International journal of women's health, 6, 555. Otter, S., Franklin, A., Ajaz, M., Stewart, A. (2016). Improving the efficiency of image guided brachytherapy in cervical cancer. Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy, 8(6), 557565. Rijkmans, E. C., Nout, R. A., Rutten, I. H. H. M., Ketelaars, M., Neelis, K. J., Laman, M. S., ... Creutzberg, C. L. (2014). Improved survival of patients with cervical cancer treated with image-guided brachytherapy compared with conventional brachytherapy. Gynecologic oncology, 135(2), 231-238